
1,000 NAGOYA ATTACKS (10G) Perform 1,000 Nagoya Attacks in a single stage.

1,500 CHAINED (10G) Achieve a chain of 1,500.

CHALLENGE MODE CLEAR (20G) Beat all 99 stages in Challenge Mode.

CLASSIC UFO HUNTER (10G) Eliminate all UFOs in Stage 0.

CONTINUE-FREE CLEAR (25G) Beat Normal Mode without using any continues (on any difficulty level with any number of ships).

EASY DIFFICULTY CLEAR (10G) Beat Normal Mode on Easy.

HARD DIFFICULTY CLEAR (20G) Beat Normal Mode on Hard.

HIGH SCORE OF 10,000,000 (10G) Acquire a high score of 10,000,000.

INSANE DIFFICULTY CLEAR (20G) Beat Normal Mode on Insane.

MUSIC FAN (10G) Play Music Mode 10 times.

NIGHTMARE DIFFICULTY CLEAR (40G) Beat Normal Mode on Nightmare.

NORMAL DIFFICULTY CLEAR (15G) Beat Normal Mode on Normal.

Achtung: Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass nicht alle Tipps von uns getestet werden können, bzw. diese sich von Version zu Version unterscheiden können, sind alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

19.07.2010 : Lisa Riess